Eindhoven Ground

Position Information

ATC CallsignEindhoven Ground
FRA RequirementAS1

Military procedures which differ from the civil procedures will also be explained below with prefix "MIL"

Area of Responsibility

All surface area except Runway 03/21

Duties and examples

Flightplan Checking

When checking a flight plan make sure to check the following items:

  • Flight Rules (VFR/IFR)
  • Equipment (RVSM equipped/Mode S transponder)
  • Departure Aerodrome
  • Cruising speed (should be filed in Knots [N] TAS)
  • Flight Level / Altitude (Conform Semi Circular system/Check city pair level caps)
  • Correct routing (first FIX, when incorrect usually the whole route is incorrect. Do not just change the first FIX and departure)
  • Arrival Aerodrome
  • Check EET against Endurance
  • Check the FP against the LOA's and Quickview

Surface Movement

On Eindhoven a special taxi procedure is used for aircraft with a wingspan bigger than 36 meters. In general we can say that all heavies belong to that category. Special ground movement charts have been published in the AIS Netherlands showing the special route wich needs to be followed during taxi for those aircraft. Other information about Eindhoven Ground:

  • Eindhoven Ground authorises start-up & push-back.
  • Eindhoven Ground issues taxi clearances
  • In a busy environment regulate the priority of the traffic. Make pilots give way to other pilots, instead of leaving it up to them. Also inform the pilot who is receiving priority, so he knows to which traffic to look out for.
  • Conditional clearances may be given, however care must be taken when doing. There may be no ambiguity in the clearance, and the pilot must fully understand the clearance.
  • Crossing of active runways shall always be done under the responsibility and supervision of Eindhoven Tower.
  • reporting POB (Persons on board) is no longer required for civil aircraft, military aircraft still have to report POB at startup.

Issuing Clearances

IFR en-route clearance should be given prior to start-up clearance, and should contain the following information:

  • Clearance limit (destination)
  • Standard instrument departure (SID) and runway
  • Initial climb
  • Squawk code

Startup clearance shall be given on request of the pilot together with, if applicable, the push-back approval and should contain:

  • Startup approved
  • QNH
  • ATIS check (either confirm ATIS reported by the pilot is correct or inform him of the new active ATIS)
  • (If applicable push-back approval)

A VFR startup clearance should contain the following items:

  • Startup approved
  • Runway in use
  • Squawk
  • QNH
  • ATIS check (either confirm ATIS reported by the pilot is correct or inform him of the new active ATIS)

A Taxi clearance should contain the following items:

  • Taxi to ...
  • ... [POSITION] ...
  • ... [ROUTING] ...
  • ... [TRAFFIC INFO]

On Eindhoven preset taxi routes are published on the AIS pages for both arriving and departing traffic with a wingspan bigger then 36m. These routes are mandatory to be followed in order to avoid structural damage to the airplane and ground equipment.

R/T Examples

Pilot ATC

The correct RT Phraseology for an IFR Departure and ATC communication is as follows:

Eindhoven Ground, TRA654, stand S2 Information G, IFR to Faro, Request start-up
TRA654, Eindhoven Ground hello, Info G correct. Start-up approved, QNH 1006, Runway 03 in use.
Start-up Approved QNH1006, Runway 03 in use. TRA654
TRA654, Request taxi for departure.
TRA654, taxi to holding point R7 runway 03 via L2 and the parallel, cross runway 21 at L2
Taxi to holding point R7 via L2 and the parallel, cross runway 21 at L2, TRA654
TRA654, request clearance
TRA654, Cleared to Faro via WOODY4J departure, FL060, Squawk 3156
Cleared to Faro, WOODY4J departure, FL060, Squawk 3156. TRA654
TRA654, readback correct
Ready for departure, TRA654
TRA654, Contact Eindhoven Tower on 131.005
131.005, TRA654

MIL: The correct RT Phraseology for an military Departure and ATC communication is as follows:

Eindhoven Ground, DIAM01, West apron, single ship, IFR Woensdrecht, request start-up
DIAM01, Eindhoven Ground, Start-up approved, QNH 1006, Runway 03, Departure clearance on request.
Start-up Approved, Runway 03 QNH1006. DIAM01
DIAM01, Request taxi for departure.
DIAM01, taxi to holding point R7 runway 03 via the parallel
Taxi to holding point R7 via the parallel, DIAM01
DIAM01, request departure clearance
DIAM01, cleared to Woensdrecht via Eindhoven3 departure, initial climb FL060. Squawk 5461. After departure contact RAPCON South on 123.175
Cleared to Woensdrecht via Eindhoven3 departure, initial climb FL060. Squawk 5461. After departure contact RAPCON South on 123.175, DIAM01
DIAM01, readback correct
Ready for departure, DIAM01
DIAM01, Contact Eindhoven Tower on 131.005
131.000, DIAM01

The correct RT Phraseology for an VFR Departure and ATC communication is as follows:

Eindhoven Ground, PHABC, Cessna 172, general aviation apron, information G, POB 2, request start-up for a VFR flight to Rotterdam to leave the CTR via TANGO 1000ft.
PHABC, start-up approved, runway 21, squawk 0067, QNH 1006, information G correct
Start-up approved, runway 21, squawk 0067, QNH 1006, PHABC
PHABC, request taxi for departure
PHABC, Taxi to holding point L1 runway 21
Taxi to holding point L1 runway 21, PHABC
PHABC, Ready for departure
PHABC, Contact Eindhoven Tower on 131.005
131.005, PHABC

Overview Picture