
Sun 20 Oct 2024
ATC Training (ADC)
EHAM 20:30

Tue 05 Nov 2024
Online evening
EHAA-FIR 20:00
Click here for more info

All times are NL local time

Welcome to the IVAO Netherlands website!

IVAO - The International Virtual Aviation Organisation is a dedicated, independent, free of charge, service to enthusiasts and individuals enjoying and participating in the flight simulation community worldwide. The International Virtual Aviation Organisation was formed to supply high quality services to its users on demand. IVAO Netherlands is the Dutch Division of this international organisation.

Providing the Flight Simulation community a highly realistic aviation environment, is IVAO's prime objective. This includes, a real-time system for online flying (as pilot) and controlling (as air traffic controller), databases with aviation information, and organizing training and online events.

New Members: IVAO allows you to fly or control in the most realistic environment available - with real world weather and ATC. You can join immediately for free, take training and enjoy our online community!.

AS2+ Release 17-08-2024 14:20

Over the coming weeks we’ll have several exciting announcements coming up. Today we start with the first one.

Back in May of this year we announced the completion of the AS1+ course on our Moodle. We’ve seen a significant increase in controllers at EHAM. Last month the amount of hours logged on EHAM_DEL and EHAM_N_GND were the same, before the release of AS1+ EHAM_DEL was almost never online. Overall the amount of hours controlled in the FIR increased a lot too. Based on that success we’re releasing the AS2+ rating on our Moodle system today.

The AS2+ course focuses on the Ground Position at Schiphol. Covering Pushback, Ground Movement and a little bit of planning duties involved with being a controller on Ground. In order to gain access to the AS2+ course the AS1+ course must first be finished. Our system will then automatically enroll you for the AS2+ course. After completing the course and achieving the AS2 rating on IVAO, you will be derestricted for EHAM_N_GND.

We’ve not received much negative feedback to our AS1+ course or our plans for the future for ATC in EHAA. We’d like to remind you all that our door is always open for feedback or reactions. You can reach out to us via

Thanks for reading and see you in the skies!

Socialmedia - IVAO NL 11-05-2021 09:56

Tuesday Online Evening - NL-FIR 22-09-2024 21:02

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